Everything about The Sphere is outstanding. The outside, finishes, lobby, concessions, bathrooms, and ushers. It's all so wonderful.
Refik Anadol's moving art is one of the scenes that rotates on the outside along with advertising promoting Sphere shows (the advertising is also very well done). I collect some of Refik's work. It made the trip bonus, seeing his works.
Then you go in the Sphere. The sound is all around you. The acoustics are so good Bono could whisper and have a conversation with someone in the top row. It’s not fair to call what you’re looking at a screen. It’s something way beyond. And then it’s non smoking. It didn’t occur to me till towards the end that I wasn’t getting pummeled by pot, cigarette, and vaping smoke.
I had to let go of the thought that the band would be background music for the visuals. It wasn't that way at all. I thought it all brought me closer to the band.
The Sphere presents a strong case to not go to concerts anywhere else - of course I will. But I’d prefer to only see shows in the Sphere now. The Sphere is a couple levels up in live music plus more. I’m grateful I got to experience it. I’ll be back soon.
Get to The Sphere.