July 4, 2012 we thought it'd be a good idea to come home with not one, but two Cane Corso puppies. Zoe and Zena. So we did. But we almost didn't.
We left the breeder's house with just Zoe. But not Zena. Zoe and Zena were litter mates. Something got in my head, we turned around. Went back and got Zena. I'll never forget calling a breeder asking for advice. They were like, "Are you crazy? You brought home two Cane Corso puppies"?
Did I mention we'd never had Cane Corso's before? Yeah, we're crazy. But everyone else is insane.
That's Zoe on the left in the shopping cart. Happy to be with us, excited for the adventure. Zena isn't so sure.

Of all our doggies, they were the best. They were such a pair. Zoe was the boss of Zena. But Zoe took her direction from me.
They chased away bears and strangers. They barked so loud they kept the neighbors up. We're grateful for our neighbors putting up with them all the years.

We lost Zoe on 2.19.21. I haven't written about her, I think it hurt too much. And I probably wanted to wait until Zena passed. We lost Zena yesterday, June 5, 2023. Zena out lived all our other doggies, she was just past 11.
It's one thing to say "life happens". But it's whole other thing when life happens. It's a bitch. These two girls, like all our doggies, are a part of our family. We had so many adventures together. We'll probably, most likely won't bring home two litter mates again.

Pictured here are Zoe and Zena on their last day. That's Zoe on the left. We'll miss them forever. But now they're back together.

Now it's up to Charlie, to keep an eye on the place. He's definitely up for it. Charlie, you've got some big paws to fill. Hopefully I'll be writing someday that you were the best. If not, we'll love you just the same and more, with all we have.

Many thanks and love to Shauna Demoss at CastleGuard Cane Corso, for bringing Zoe, Zena, and Charlie to our lives. Shauna, you make the best doggies ever. We're forever grateful.
We love you girls. We miss you. But Charlie is a good doggie, you can count on him. And who knows? Maybe Charlie will have a mate.
Zo Zo, Zenie, we'll see you down the line. We'll bring treats.