Today I noticed that Shepard Fairey has a piece out supporting Ukraine.
Before I go on, I'm generally a fan of Shepard's. I have a couple of his NFTs. I don't own any of his art, but I do own Ron English's art. Ron and Shepard are tight.
Instead of images such as this one, which is incendiary and combative, I wish artists would be making art that promotes peace. I wish, everyone would focus on peace. I get it, Putin is bad guy. But there's bad guys everywhere. And war doesn't create peace. War just creates more war.
I also wish people would look at the other side of this. Which is, that the MIC (military industrial complex) is making bank from the conflict. Literally, billions of dollars daily.
Anyway. Here's what I think is a great podcast covering the other side of this conflict.

Please don't buy art with a message of more war. Instead, please encourage our politicians to focus on diplomacy in Ukraine. On Peace. Not, sending more tanks or money.
tty next time,