The Sixties is must see TV

This series from 2014 is A+ content.

I bought it on Apple TV+ for $9.99.

I was born in ‘59. I don’t recall Kennedy’s assassination. However, Mom was political. The memories of my brother worrying about being drafted, protests, the music scene, MLK, and Bobby Kennedy are intact.

For me, reliving what our country went through in the 60's gives me hope. I’m less concerned about Trump. Because we made it through segregation, civil rights, voting rights, deep divisions in our country and Vietnam. We put a man on the moon. If Trump does win maybe things have to get worse before they get better?

Speaking of protests, our son reports protestors at CU. It’s good to be reminded about how many protested Vietnam, a war we shouldn't have been in.

Imagine that? A war we shouldn’t have been in. The more things change the more they remain the same.

tty next time,