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Field Notes

Did I really see that? Did that really happen? What I think, What I think I think, What I thought I think.


Sometimes you just gotta say fuck it

This is my mood right now. "She said, "Mama I'm fine if you happen to wonder  I don't have much money but I still get around  I haven't made church in near thirty-six Sundays  So fuck all those West Nashville grand ballroom

20 Sep 24 1 min read
Field Notes

Field evidence of a good economy

gm, According to Twitter account zerohedge, the economy is bad. We're on the brink and it's all Democrats fault. Small businesses are in a panic, worried that Biden's policies will be their doom. Purse strings are tight. zerohedge never offers anything other than right

11 Jun 24 4 min read

What Matters - Northern Lights in Eagle, CO

Last night I saw the Northern Lights for the first time ever. I started taking pictures at about 10:00. Then as the skies cleared I went to the back of our subdivision, stayed there for over an hour. It was breath taking. When I was out there I called

11 May 24 3 min read

First Farcaster random notes

gm, One thing I dig about Farcaster is how easy it is to mint NFTs. This is because of their implementation of frames. Frames aren't new, the first web pages relied on frames. But what Farcaster is doing with frames, is new – in so far as crypto goes.

17 Feb 24 2 min read
in my life

Nyad is an incredible story of body and mind

gm! Watched Nyad last night on Netflix. At 63, after 4 failed attempts starting when she was 28, Diana Nyad achieved her life long goal of swimming from Cuba to Key West FL. 100 mile swim. Non stop. As a former hack swimmer, I followed Diana Nyad's story

05 Nov 23 1 min read
Field Notes

Being a great small business

Today I was in Glenwood Springs seeing my friends Tommy and Tina Divel at Grande Optics. Tommy and I were talking about what makes a great small business and why great small businesses are what the world needs. I was telling Tommy how I've never in all my

26 Oct 23 4 min read

Notes from my mind

Living in the past is living in hell. I have so much I need to let go of. Stuff that didn't happen, happened, and what I imagine happened or didn't happen. It's killing me. And I want to live for many more years. When

25 Oct 23 3 min read
Field Notes

Look up

Happy Ring of Fire eclipse day. I really needed this today. Totality on top of the Jackson Hole tram in 2017. I hope I never forget it. And yes, this picture of Trump trying to look at Totality without glasses is real. A former President of the United States is

14 Oct 23 1 min read
Field Notes

This sign gives me hope - part 1

I saw this sign in front of someone's property on the way home from the Billy Strings Renewal show - more on that to come. Zoom in on the pic above on the left to see the sign on the right. It gives me hope. Because people are

24 Sep 23 1 min read
Field Notes

A message of hope from Katherine Stewart

I've been bummed out about the state of our nation. I'm my Mother's son, I get too emotional. Millions believe Trump won, don’t believe there was insurrection, believe the “free speech” excuse for the coup to overthrow our government. My gawd. They tried

21 Aug 23 2 min read
Field Notes

America - ?

gm, I'm always wondering about America. Today my hope, is that all the turmoil we're in is just part of the struggle and what makes our country great. But I'm also concerned and somewhat afraid - and I know the latter is not healthy.

13 Aug 23 1 min read
Field Notes

George Monbiot is a good bloke

I'm done posting on Twitter. But I do still doom scroll. I have a thing for English blokes and commoners. I love 'em. Just came across this from this bloke George Monbiot. It's 2 minutes of must see tv. This might be my favourite 2

10 Aug 23 1 min read
Field Notes

Trunk the Orange (and Purple) Elephant

“He’s got an ego bigger than god. When he tells a lie we all applaud. ...You make me wear your little handcuffs. When the gets rough and the going gets tough. You just peed your pants you little cream puff. Cuz I am the turd that’s too big

09 Aug 23 2 min read
Field Notes

Begin the dream again - again

Today is exercise day #12 post hernia surgery. I got the hernia in January. Had surgery in May. I couldn't exercise in between. I've lost most my strength, gained weight. But I didn't lose my mojo. I'll get back to where I

18 Jun 23 1 min read
Field Notes

Dad. The Nuggets are NBA Champions!

Hey Dad, Last night the Nuggets won the NBA Championship! No, I'm not kidding. They did it! They beat the Miami Heat to win a ring! Remember when we used to go watch the Rockets in the old Auditorium Arena? All the great players we saw? Julius Irving,

13 Jun 23 2 min read
Field Notes

Zoe and Zena

July 4, 2012 we thought it'd be a good idea to come home with not one, but two Cane Corso puppies. Zoe and Zena. So we did. But we almost didn't. We left the breeder's house with just Zoe. But not Zena. Zoe and

06 Jun 23 3 min read
Field Notes

16 years of clean and sober today

gm dots, I started using booze and drugs wen I was 15 to escape my childhood. It was horrible in our house. It got so bad I ran away, hitched a ride from the CO mountains to Southern California. I lived in a flop house in Anaheim. I couldn'

16 Apr 23 2 min read
Field Notes

Brainwashed by Western media

I hope everyone will read this recent interview Roger Waters did. Berliner Zeitung interview - Roger WatersBERLINER ZEITUNG 4th FEBRUARY 2023 THE TRUTH WILL SET US FREE Against the backdrop of the outrageous and despicable smear campaign by the ISRAELI […]Roger Watersadmin So many aren't looking deeper into

07 Feb 23 1 min read

Ron English is Living in Delusionville

Today djskeez shined light on Light Cult Crypto Club (LCCC) members, Ron English's NFT project. To celebrate the 1 year anniversary of LCCC Ron made 25 of this beautiful piece, for 25 lucky LCCC members. In the background are the Kevin Durant, KD 14 shoes Ron designed : Here&

07 Oct 22 6 min read
Field Notes

Notes on NFTs

This is a good opinion piece on Cointelegraph: Throw your Bored Apes in the trashFrom carrying medical data to streamlining royalty payments, NFTs serve a variety of important technological purposes. Bored Apes are a demeaning distraction.CointelegraphO.C. Ripley Let your ego go and get the message of the piece.

26 Sep 22 2 min read

Microsoft getting their mojo back

I wrote this March 2012, back wen it wasn't popular to side with Microsoft. Today, Microsoft dominates the server space and gaming. Their cloud platform is outstanding. Blazor is the primo framework to use for building interactive client-side web UI apps. C# developers are everywhere. They're

11 Sep 22 1 min read

Nest thermostats

From March 2012 on heyheyrenee. We were on the waiting list for the 1st Nest thermostats. I knew they were going to make a dent, they did. #### The guys who designed the iPod designed a thermostat. That's right, a thermostat. We have 5, they're the best.

11 Sep 22 1 min read
Field Notes


Delusionville is everywhere around us. Yesterday in Minturn it was on full display, at a celebration of life I went to. The person we celebrated was very active in A.A. - Alcoholics Anonymous. A.A. overshadowed their life. I met them in A.A., they were always kind to

17 Aug 22 1 min read
Field Notes

books of my life

Someone in the Dots chat asked me this today: "Do you have book recommendations for business development, management, and general wealth-of-knowledge? "I've been reading Peter Drucker's Effective Exectutive lately, and I'm looking for more reading material to help me grow and learn

14 Aug 22 2 min read
Field Notes

Lil' Lucy sculpture

My Lil' Lucy sculpture arrived yesterday. She's even better than I thought she'd be. She came meticulously packaged by my friends over at 1XRun. If you don't know about them, you should. They're a first class operation run by OG'

13 Aug 22 1 min read
Field Notes

notes from the field - "win"?

gm, In The Light Cult Crypto Club discord this morning brother Iguana wrote "I'm in it to win it". This got me thinking. Sort of reminded me of a lousy 80's term - "win-win". I get the sentiment, I'm all

10 Aug 22 1 min read
Field Notes


This was the 2nd post on my first blog, heyheyrenee, from 8.30.2010. After I sold my first company in 2000 I needed something to do. So I built a treehouse. It was great, I spent a lot of time in it, like the week or so when I

08 Aug 22 2 min read
Field Notes

art has a message, gracias 1XRun

Howdy, Wen I look around at our art it all has a meaning. I'm connected to the story behind the image and the artist. For me, buying something just because it looks good is like digging the music I'm listening to all because of the beat,

04 Aug 22 1 min read
Field Notes

Remembering the Sneakernet

Jeff and I were talking this morning about transferring data. Then he said, "kinda like the Sneakernet". The Sneakernet is how we transferred data before we had the Internet. It went like this: Put a floppy disk (floppy) into the source computer's floppy drive, execute the

02 Aug 22 1 min read
Field Notes

Capitalism, notes on business

This is capitalism A few notes from my 33 years in business. Many more to follow. * Work with people smarter than me I've always had the ability to spot brilliant minds. Wen I did, I did all I could to learn from them and/

01 Aug 22 2 min read
Field Notes

MAGA world view

When the MAGA crowd bemoans being politically correct, it’s a dog whistle for getting rid of decency. They want to say anything they want - anytime, anywhere. They hate socialism. What they view as paying for what they don’t believe in, or what they think they don’t

17 Jul 22 1 min read
Field Notes

They Declared War - We Made Cute Signs, Tweeted

This piece in Washington Post Magazine [] is a must read for anyone on the left. It clearly lays out that the religious right has declared war. If you're having trouble opening it or the paywall is blocking you click

28 Oct 21 2 min read
Field Notes

Right Wing Zeroing in on School Board Elections

Family Research Council Raises Money for Right-Wing School Board Takeover Campaign | Right Wing WatchFamily Research Council President Tony Perkins is raising money to promote right-wing takeovers of local school boards, which he claims is necessary toRight Wing Watch [] Today two flyers were left on

01 Oct 21 3 min read
Field Notes

The Case for Blue-State Secession

The Case for Blue-State SecessionIt’s the only way to ensure democracy and equal justice, not just for blue-state residents but for citizens in all 50 states.The NationNathan Newman [] I'm convinced the differences between the left and right are irreconcilable.

01 Oct 21 1 min read
Field Notes

Religion is Not Good for America

Their vision is unacceptable to most Americans, and they know it. That’s why they’re willing to end democracy to get their way. Far from religion being a force uniting the populace and America, it is doing its best to destroy it from within.

30 Sep 21 1 min read
Field Notes

Wear a mask, get the vaccine

Watch this 5 minute video from Catherine O'Neal, MD an Assistant Professor of Clinical Medicine specializing in Infectious Diseases and Chief Medical Officer at Lady Of The Lake Medical Center in Baton Rouge, LA. Then tell me why you know more than she does, why you're

08 Aug 21 1 min read

Hey Young People - Be Like This Young Woman

At the Phish Tour opener Wednesday night in Rogers AR Tommy [] and I sat next to this young woman. I'm always wanting to talk to younger people, see where they're at. So I said howdy. She lives in

31 Jul 21 1 min read
Field Notes

Please don't send me my free t-shirt

I wrote this on the Top Dog Beach Club discord today. Please don't make my t-shirt. Here in the CO mountains where we live the chaos is here. The western United States is on fire with the driest months still ahead. We’re running out of water. https:

17 Jul 21 2 min read

The Metaverse Can Wait

The Western United States is on fire and the hottest months still ahead. Here in the mountains of CO it hasn't rained in 2 years. Snowpack is down 40% over the past 60 years. We're one lightening strike from our homes burning to the ground. The

06 Jul 21 2 min read
Field Notes

To the crazy ones.

This was on heyheyrenee. It belongs here too. Here’s to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They’re not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status quo. You can

02 Jul 21 1 min read
Field Notes

This is a great business - do what they do

A tie-dye I ordered from SheMakesShirts [] came today. The shirt came in a tie-dye package. Inside was my shirt, a handwritten thank you note, stickers, candy, and care instructions. I love the shirt. My fist V-neck tie-dye. Great for when it’s really hot,

27 Jun 21 2 min read
Field Notes

sending vibes for the HIPEVAN (hippie van)

Our 2003 VW van Weekender, license plate HIPEVAN (hippie van) -- needs a new engine and transmission. Doesn't have to be new, rebuilt would be fine. I'm putting the vibe out there for help. Gotta find someone who can do this. Not just do it, do it great. The best. Because it's the HIPEVAN.

26 Jun 21 3 min read
Field Notes

All That Matters is Mother Earth

I'm angry and sad. Because of what's happening to Mother Earth. I've seen it, lived it. Living it. I can hear the birds crying. We did this. We're doing it. We're destroying the Sacred. In the name of progress and

22 Jun 21 2 min read
Field Notes

Begin the Dream Again

Early March I hurt my back skiing Spider bumps at "The Beav" Beaver Creek. I've skied Spider...a few thousand times. Some days Spider is all I skied. I know every turn. That day I was feelin' it. So I pushed it. Pushed too hard, missed a turn and hit a bump the wrong way, hurt my back.

18 Jun 21 2 min read
Field Notes

A Speech of Hope

This is the most popular post on my first blog - from 2017. It's viewed by people all over the world, every day. It gives me hope.

06 Jun 21 4 min read
Field Notes

Why Trump gets reelected

I wrote this in August of 2020, on my blog Trump didn’t win. But it took a pandemic to beat him. To do this day, his supporters don’t believe he lost. Boebert won. I was exactly right about her and then some. Now she’s a

24 May 21 4 min read
Field Notes

Very few are talking about what’s ailing us

The beginning of the end was early on in dotcom, when newspapers sucked up to the search and ad engines. Newspapers should have put up paywalls. But instead they listened to the mob, who told them, “paying for stuff is out. Now you give away what you have and sell

24 May 21 2 min read
Field Notes

Go ape

Perfect. I’ve aped []. And I love Yacht Rock []. 8554 - Bored Ape Yacht Club | OpenSeaThe Bored Ape Yacht Club is a collection of 10,000 unique Bored Ape NFTs— unique digital collectibles living on the Ethereum blockchain. Your

06 May 21 1 min read