
Total Posts : 38 posts


Happy 3rd Anniversary Dots!

gm, June 21st is the 3rd anniversary of the Heni Discord, or what I renamed to the "Dots Discord". It's been a really great trip so far and I'm both proud and happy as a hooker with new shoes about it. So how did

18 Jun 24 6 min read

Minting NFTs is better, but still has a long ways to go

gm, I just minted this Prohibition Art NFT on the base network. Prohibition: Open Generative Art NFT Platform | Prohibition.artProhibition is an open, onchain generative art NFT platform built on Art Blocks Engine and deployed on Arbitrum, an Ethereum Layer 2. Explore and create generative art NFTs with us.Prohibition:

24 May 24 3 min read

"Strike another match, go start anew"

Howdy, smh at today's layoffs announcement from Yuga Labs co-founder Greg Solano. Yuga Labs is what Bored Apes Yacht Club (BAYC) became right about the time they took in VC money. Here's a great piece published yesterday about BAYC co-founder Wylie Aronow, forever known as Gordon

26 Apr 24 2 min read

NFTs influence on art

gm, I don't have numbers to support the influence that NFTs have had on art. But I know it's real. Because it happened to us. All because of NFTs, we bought art. Which means we're making micro investments in small businesses everywhere. It'

18 Apr 24 3 min read

NFTs are happening

gm, Renee and I are getting turned onto so much art all because of NFTs. We're essentially making micro investments in creators. It's such a buzz. Just recently @traf made based punks. We scored one. They originally sold for $.007. Some who didn't get

17 Apr 24 1 min read

NFTs are dead? Nah.

gm, Would NFTs be “dead” if everyone made bank? No, of course not. Peeps would be signing their praises. But most didn’t make bank and now they’re salty — “NFTs are dead, they were a scam”. So for them, it was never about the art or the tech. It

17 Apr 24 1 min read

Breaking News:Crypto Blames Palestinians For Flour Massacre

3 March 2024: Crypto industry spokesperson Bennie Brainwashed said this, when asked about the Flour Massacre, "This was an efficiency problem. Had the Palestinians used the blockchain and crypto to get their food, everything would have been cool. Because the blockchain and crypto are all about efficiency, peace, and

04 Mar 24 2 min read

decentralization or more of the same?

gm, I think there's way too much talk on Farcaster about making it the winner. Or it being the winner. It's counter to decentralization. The digerati has to come face to face with the fact that tech has been largely responsible for the dystopia we'

19 Feb 24 1 min read

First Farcaster random notes

gm, One thing I dig about Farcaster is how easy it is to mint NFTs. This is because of their implementation of frames. Frames aren't new, the first web pages relied on frames. But what Farcaster is doing with frames, is new – in so far as crypto goes.

17 Feb 24 2 min read

THE NEW AMERICANS: Gaming A Revolution

I first met Ondi Timoner at the Denver Premier of We Live In Public circa 2009. Which IMO is by far and away, the best flick about the early Internet days. Ondi's new film that premiered on Netflix on 1.1.24 is "The New Americans: Gaming

14 Feb 24 1 min read

Watch Bitconned

I watched Bitconned. The story the movie tells is still going strong - in crypto and to some degree the art world. Crypto goes down on Twitter and Discord (chat rooms). My guess is that 99% of the NFT projects right now on Twitter and Discord are nothing more than

14 Jan 24 6 min read

Late night thoughts on crypto frames

My TokenFrame (crypto frame) is great. Because my crypto art (NFTs) is on my wall, where I want it. Having crypto art on my phone or computer is okay, I guess. But it's not useful. For me, I want to enjoy my art when I'm kicking

24 Dec 23 1 min read

Late night thoughts on $SOL

$SOL (Solana token) is all the buzz on crypto twitter right now. It's up 110% in the past 2 months. Right now Ethereum's (ETH) two big problems are throughput and high transaction fees. Solana's big pitch is cheap transaction fees. But Ethereum has a

23 Dec 23 1 min read

Notes from my mind

Living in the past is living in hell. I have so much I need to let go of. Stuff that didn't happen, happened, and what I imagine happened or didn't happen. It's killing me. And I want to live for many more years. When

25 Oct 23 3 min read

Notes on the TokenFrame

More notes on the TokenFrame -- The TokenFrame came securely packaged. I didn't make any notes. But I do recall thinking they could have put a little more padding in. But overall, the packaging was good. Their setup interface is a little clunky if you have your NFTs

09 Aug 22 2 min read

Refik Anadol Studios (RAS) 4.23.22 AMA summary

AMA Apr. 23 Summary of the topics Refik [] talked about during the AMA Museum collaborations Major museums [] are celebrating the work Refik created and collectors collected. They’ll all be part of the journey. More

23 Apr 22 2 min read

pay your taxes first

Howdy! It's tax day. I know, we pay too much taxes. I know, most of the tax monies we pay are wasted. I'm a Gore Vidal Liberal. The only thing I agree with Republicans on is taxes - we should pay less. But that doesn'

18 Apr 22 3 min read

Change happens at the level of system

What first drew me to crypto was what Satoshi wrote in the now seminal Bitcoin White Paper - Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System. I saw that crypto could change the system. I saw the possibility to create real change for those with the least. Because if we’re going

01 Jan 22 1 min read

Campfires and NFTs

I've been a tech entrepreneur for 32 years now. I've been in the same business for 32 years. I started my 2nd company in 2002. Knock on wood (my head), we're at the doorstep of another great app. Campfires are a great metaphor for

05 Oct 21 4 min read

The Important Role of a Crypto Gadfly

Gerald ("Gerry") Armstrong is a legendary gadfly. Some say he wrote the book - although Gerry would scoff at the thought. He was also a mentor. Gerry was the former CEO of the Rocky Mountain Fuel Company in Denver. The New York Times first wrote about him [https:

02 Oct 21 7 min read

Privacy Extremists

Privacy Extremists - Known Origin | OpenSeaWe Are Privacy Extremists! Limited edition silk-screen print, designed and hand printed for Paralelní Polis, 2018. OpenSeaOpenSea []

27 May 21 1 min read

Today’s crypto is ’97 dotcom

Circa ’97 taxi drivers were handing out stock tips. VC’s were throwing money at worthless companies with apps nobody really needed. These apps didn’t solve a burning problem, they weren’t even a pretty good. Most didn’t have working code.

25 May 21 2 min read

Letter to cypherpunks

I wrote a version of this what seems like eons ago, because that’s how fast things move in crypto. I’ve met some good people in this space. But I’ve seen a side of this that’s unsavory - influencers who’re really just paid carnival barkers. Downright deceitful stuff. More on this coming.

25 May 21 3 min read

Check Your Financial Privilege

Check Your Financial PrivilegeWhile those comfortable in the dollar bubble deride Bitcoin, the stories of three emerging market users demonstrate why it is so important.Bitcoin Magazine: Bitcoin News, Articles, Charts, and GuidesAlex Gladstein []

25 May 21 1 min read


I AM SATOSHI NAKAMOTO - Known Origin | OpenSeaInspired by cult of Satoshi Nakamoto, the mysterious creator of Bitcoin.OpenSeaOpenSea []

18 May 21 1 min read

Bitcoin Baphomet

Bitcoin Baphomet - Known Origin | OpenSeaBitcoin Baphomet, Inspired by T. C. Mays The Crypto Anarchists Manifesto and Eliphas Levis Baphomet drawing… But instead of goats head it’s masked privacy extremist holding Bitcoin in one hand and picking decentralised blockchainOpenSeaOpenSea []

18 May 21 1 min read