Bernie Sanders said this to Anderson Cooper in an interview after the first Presidential debate in 2019.
“Unless we are prepared to take on the people who have real power in this country, the power elite, and that is Wall Street, and that is the Insurance companies, and that is the pharmaceutical industry, and that is the fossil fuel industry, does anybody think that just a plan for climate change is gonna do it to save the planet? You gotta have the guts to take on an enormously powerful industry.
"Does anybody think that just a plan for climate change is gonna do it to save the planet? You gotta have the guts to take on an enormously powerful industry.
"The only way that we do that, in my view, is when millions and millions of people stand up say enough is enough! You’re not gonna destroy the planet. You’re not gonna prevent me from getting healthcare or affordable medicine. And that’s what this campaign is about. It’s not just ideas - we got a lot of ideas. It is the understanding we’re gonna have to take them on. And if we don’t, nothing is going to change.”
Frederick Douglass said, “Power and those in control concede nothing…without a demand. Hey never have and never will…Each and every one of us must keep demanding, must keep fighting, must keep thundering, must keep plowing, must keep on keeping things struggling, must speak out and speak up until justice is served because where is no justice there is no peace".
Ralph Nader wrote this in his seminal book, Breaking Through Power - “Take a sweeping look at our history and you will discover that almost all movements that mattered started with just one or two people - from the fight to abolish slavery, to the creations of the environmental, trade union, consumer protection and civil rights movements. One voice becomes two, and then ten, and then thousands.”
"The only way that we do that, in my view, is when millions and millions of people stand up say enough is enough!" - Bernie
"Each and every one of us must keep demanding, must keep fighting, must keep thundering..." - Frederick
"...almost all movements that mattered started with just one or two people..." - Ralph
It's way past time for United States citizens to stand up and be counted. To rise up against the oligarchs, broligarchs, and politicians (Trumpers and Democrats) that have their boots on our necks.
That means continuous demonstrations at politicians offices and oligarchs head quarters. At Anthem's office in Denver, at my elected representatives offices. At our nation's capitol, at Tesla, Google, Amazon, Facebook, Apple, Spotify and every other oligarch's office that has their boot on our neck. We the people need to be everywhere they are to constantly remind them - peacefully - "I'm as mad as hell and I'm not gonna take it anymore".
So here's what I'm going to do to start. I'm going to demonstrate at Anthem's office in Denver at 700 N Broadway, Denver, CO 80203.
I'm going to exercise my first amend right to advocate for healthcare as a human right and Medicare For All.

There's public sidewalks all around Anthem's building.
I'm hoping this sparks a nationwide movement. Because how cool would it be if millions of people peacefully demonstrated each day for Medicare For All and everything else Bernie talks about! I dunno, call us Bernies. Or the Mad As Hell people.
So who wants to join me? Reply to this post or drop me a line.
Remember. People have the power. But only if we use it!
tty next time,