Obama is elected President, Grant Park 11-4-08


Eagle, CO

Last updated on Jul 11, 2024

Posted on Jul 11, 2024

I wrote this on heyheyrenee on Nov 15, 2017.

I traveled from Eagle to Chicago to see history when Obama was elected in 2008. I was there in Grant Park when he came out and gave his speech. It was great to be there. What an experience. I remember leaving, thinking racism is over. That our country was going to be what I dreamed. That things were cool.

Then I got complacent. I didn't work to elect people I believed in. I didn't do the ground work, the hard work that's required. Now look where we are.

I said I wouldn't let this happen again. Because the struggle always continues, democracy isn't inevitable. That I have to work for what I believe in. Now look where we are.

tty next time,

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