Wonderful weekend at Abasin. I skied Friday and today. Today was closing day, all ski areas are in Colorado are now closed. Yes, it's the end of ski season. But it's also the beginning of next year's ski season - hiking, getting my body in top form so I can climb to 13,054 next season with Abasin's COO - Alan Henceroth.
Here's pics and videos from today. Note. I didn't have anyone to film my successful Lake Reveal crossing. But I had witnesses!
There's nothing else like Abasin. It truly is The Legend.

Top, left to right. Got to the Basin at 8:00, to get prime parking. Listened to some tunes and took a short nap. I woke up at 9, was on the hill by 9:15ish. Definitely a "big" crowd for closing day. By 10:00ish the line was long, snowballs were flying. I got on the lift for my last run at 10:20 or so, time for me to ski Lake Reveal before the snow gets too sticky. Once the snow gets sticky a successful crossing isn't as likely, because you can't get up enough speed.
Successful Lake Reveal crossing. Next year I'm bringing a videographer with me!
Check out the guy with the Jesus outfit (or was it Moses?) - walk on water. It got warmer, unsuccessful attempts started to pile up.
Carnage on Lake Reveal! Lotsa crashes and swimmers. Riders were losing equipment, having to dive. Oi.

Top, left to right. This guy had to dive for his gear. So did others. Lake Reveal was deep today, it's what happens as June wears on. As always, such great vibes on Lake Reveal.

Left to right. After Lake Reveal crossing it was time to hang out on the deck of Black Mountain Lodge. That's Alan Henceroth in the middle with yours truly. Alan and I are going to ski together next season. Great vibes on the deck, as always.

Top, left to right. I skied down High Noon for my last run. Abasin is always full of characters, the guy in the dress was a hoot. Then I had apres at the HIPEVAN for a few. This bikini gang were a lot of fun. Then I went to go check out the scene at the base. These guys brought a barbecue. The butt guy was a riot.
The lifts stopped spinning at 2. The crowd was jumpin', everyone had a great time. I had a great time. I love the Basin. Next season has already begun. What about you?
tty next time,