In honor of Ralph's 90th birthday today Renee and I voted "Noncommitted" in the Presidential Primary.

We do this because as of now, President Biden doesn't deserve our vote. In part, because of him backing the murder of innocent men, women, and children in Gaza.
We're no longer holding our noses and voting for Democrats just because they're not Trumpers, or because they're the best of the worst. No. That's over. If President Biden and the Democrats want our vote they're going to have to earn them now.
We encourage others to vote Noncommitted as well. If this means Trump getting back in power, so be it. We'll survive.
Maybe if Democrats start losing they'll wake up, change their tune and be the party that truly represents the people - instead of their selfish interests of money and power. Be the party that Ralph Nader talked about on today's Democracy Now! segment.

tty next time,