Tonight our group – CeasefireNow Roaring Fork Valley – attended the Glenwood Springs City Council meeting with the goal of asking that the city council adopt a ceasefire resolution.
I'll note that just two days ago our group attended a city council meeting in Aspen. Two members of the city council turned their backs on us. Here's the link:

Here's the press release we're circulating:
On Thursday night, by a unanimous 7-0 vote, the Glenwood Springs City Council became the first municipality in Colorado to pass a resolution calling for a ceasefire in Gaza.
Thursday's meeting opened with the public comment period, during which 5 members of the Ceasefire Now Roaring Fork Valley advocated for the council to adopt a ceasefire resolution, a draft copy of which was passed on to all members of the council. In response to the group’s comments, Councilor Godes brought forth a motion to add the resolution to the top of the meeting’s agenda, seconded by Councilor Kaup, and opposed by none.
Councilor Godes opened the discussion by stating his support for the resolution. While the council’s opinions on the nitty gritty of the draft resolution varied, they arrived at a consensus on approving a resolution that calls for “an immediate and permanent ceasefire in Gaza and [the] Occupied West Bank, immediate unhindered humanitarian aid into Gaza, and release of all hostages and arbitrarily detained Palestinian civilians in order to work towards a long-term peace.”
Glenwood Springs is a workingman's town, they unanimously passed our resolution. But in Aspen, a cultural center, self-proclaimed center of liberalism and progressivism, two city council members turned their backs on us.
It's unheard of, that a city council adopts a resolution the same night the citizens bring it. Not only that, to adopt it unanimously.

Here's the link to the city council meeting. Our group's comments start at 14:22 in. Go to 35:45 in, to see where the city council starts discussing our resolution. The resolution unanimously passes at 50:47 in. It's incredible.
Please help us get this incredible story out. I'm available if you want to talk, as are members of our group.
Thanks in advance,