Last February CeasefireNow! Roaring Fork Valley, a group I volunteered with, brought Georgetown University Associate Professor and Middle East expert Dr. Nader Hashemi to Aspen to speak to citizens about the Gaza conflict.

A few days later I left the group. Somewhat because of what Nader said, which was this.
At the end of his talk he was asked what it would take to resolve the conflict. Nader paused. Then he said this, which I'll paraphrase, that shook me.
It's going to take entirely new governments in Gaza, the United States, and Israel. Not just new governments, but a fresh approach and mindset. A revolutionary figure in Gaza that the Gazan's would rally behind. A whipper snapper politician here in the United States -bigger than life figure that'd make Obama seem average. Then someone in Israel to convince the population that living together with the Palestinians is best. This would be a near miracle given that recent polling shows there's almost no support from Israel's citizens to share the land equally with Palestinians. Then I think someone asked him who he thought might be. He answered, "I don't know of anyone".
Think about that. In Nader's view for the Gaza conflict to be resolved, 3 never before seen figures in history need to appear.
Stranger things have happened I guess.
tty next time,