Early March I hurt my back skiing Spider bumps at "The Beav" Beaver Creek.

I've skied Spider...a few thousand times. Some days Spider is all I skied. I know every turn.
That day I was feelin' it. So I pushed it. Pushed too hard, missed a turn and hit a bump the wrong way, hurt my back.
I skied back to the car, but it was rough. Had to stop twice, regroup. The last few yards I practically crawled.
Heating pad + Aleve + yoga therapy. Skied a few days later. Left after 2 runs. The 20 minute ride back home felt like hours - so much pain.
From there I couldn't do a thing. Couldn't do what's really important to me - skiing and exercise.
I tried a chiro, ROLFing. Nada. I might as well have burned my money.
Started to see and feel my strength and fitness built over 40 years, slipping away.
My back got so bad I couldn't sleep. I'd wake up each day in so much pain, I wanted to pass out.
By the time I had microdiscectomy back surgery on 5.28 I'd lost all my fitness and strength. Some days I'd lay on the couch in tears. Man, I got down.
Then I snapped out of it. Told myself this is opportunity to make myself stronger than before. Begin the dream again.
I'm 62. I've lived a rock n roll life, just wasn't in the band. Always thought getting older was for everyone else. Took pride in being one the best skiers around Aspen and Vail. Being better, stronger, and faster than guys and gals less than half my age.
Now I know what others go through with their health. I'm reminded that the struggle is beautiful. I have gratitude for each moment.

Today is day 3 of exercising.
The incision is on my lower back.

Basic exercises are hard.
Notes to self: Being down happens. Don't fight it, let it pass. Then get back up. Always, get back up. Begin the dream again.