Published on heyheyrenee Mar 10, 2012 at 0017
My skiing is so much better now. And I'm 65. I love it. Grateful,
Great day at Highlands.
We had big fun today. I was on my new skis. Just picked them up from getting mounted. They felt really weird, they need to be tuned. The edges were strange feeling. Skilogik throws some kind of funky edge tune on their skis. I'll take 'em over the Venture Sports, they'll feel perfect after that.
We did 3 full bowls; bottom to top, no cat assist. 3 full bowls takes us 4 hours, if we stop for a snack at PHQ and talk to Pat. We started our first lap 11ish. Got on the Deep Temerity chair at 3:30, after the 3rd lap. We didn't ski anything else. We didn't have to, 3 full bowls.
Winter snow on the bowl, even though it was warm. It's always great at the bowl.
Some of the steep sections were iffy. The snow was setup, slick. Definitely don't want to fall, as you'll slide down a ways. Not good.
I love the bowl. Doing 3 full laps is great. 4 would be tough, I'd have to train for it with more skinning during the week.
Life is great.