10 years ago today I got turned onto Phish


Eagle, CO

Last updated on Aug 31, 2024

Posted on Aug 30, 2024


10 years ago today I went to my first Phish show. Been to 32 since. Oh man. I love this band.

The story is this. For years I ignored Phish. I thought they were an instrumental band that only did covers. I didn't get the attraction.

Then my friend Tommy P. in Maui, says to me, "Paulie. You love music. You gotta go see Phish. I got an extra ticket for Saturday night's show. Come with me". So I was like, "okay I'll go". But I was only doing it to be polite. When someone offers you a ticket to a concert you go - even if you don't like the band.

From the first song I heard, I was blown away. How on earth could I have missed this?! After the show I bought Fuego and Joy. I listened to them on repeat on the way home to Eagle.

Now that I was hooked I wanted more. My trip was on. So I bought tickets for Bill Graham, all 3 nights.

Since then I've seen the band in Arkansas (first show after COVID) and I've been to all the Dick's shows. I even camped in the HIPEVAN at Dick's. I'm writing this from a hotel in Denver, I'm here for Phish Dick's.

I can't say enough, how grateful I am to Tommy P and Tommy K. I love ya brother. I'd also like to thank the Phish phans. Of all the concert crowds, they top of the list. They're always kind and friendly. Great neighbors.

Oh. And of course, thank you to Phish. You guys are everything and more.

Here's some pics from the trip over the years. I'll be adding more. I gotta get to Dick's, get in line and do my thing.

Long may you run, Phish and the Phans.

tty next time,

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